Northern New Jersey Chapter of ISCEBS Scholarship Program:
The NNJ ISCEBS Chapter is dedicated to benefits education and the CEBS professional designation. The Chapter offers three (3) scholarships annually to cover the cost of one (1) certification exam as follows:
1. Each scholarship is equal to the value of an exam toward the CEBS designation or other Society designation such as the GBA or RPA. Scholarships for the Fellowship designation exams are not included. In addition, the costs of study materials or preparatory courses are not included. 2. Requirements for receiving a scholarship
Higher weighting will be granted to applicants who have attended at least one (1) NNJ Chapter seminar during the year the exam was taken.
Applicants must express interest in being active in future chapter and/or board activities.
Each scholarship is for one (1) exam, taken and passed. If multiple exams are taken during a year, only one (1) application will be accepted.
Exams must be taken in the calendar year in which the Award was approved by the Chapter Board..
As long as this program is in place, an applicant may apply for one (1) scholarship every year he or she is pursuing his or her certification.
The exam fee must not have been paid for a third party, such as an employer or other scholarship.
Three (3) scholarship entries will be awarded by the NNJ Chapter Board Members. All applicants will be notified of the results.
3. Application process:
Click here for the scholarship application (includes all program details).
Recipients will register for courses/materials/exams through CEBS and the NNJ Chapter will pay CEBS directly for the exam fee.